Work Type
Temporary; Contract
Work Time
Full-time; Part-time
Live-In Optional
Bring Own Horse
Training Available
Job No
in 14 days

Hard working rider with event horses wanted!! I'm looking for a working student who wants to ride, train, compete with the sport of eventing! Join our team, bring your horse, let me know what you need and we'll work out a great program. Daily lessons, eyes on the ground from a former International Rider & Gold Level YEH Trainer and a weekly stipend. Let's make it a good experience and move up the levels! Bring your horse and/or ride ours. We're located in Chester County PA 19320, excellent Area 2, gorgeous horse country with many schooling & registered competitions. We also go out cubbing with Cheshire Hunt this fall season. Come join us and catch the action!! We have a working student position open now!! You’ll have some good riding, chance to work with yearlings-4 year olds breaking in, variety of barn duties, the opportunity to compete, fox hunt and take part in local clinics- always something going on!. Come join us - let’s get going- please contact me.


Individual with motivated attitude, desire to excell with high standards and experience with eventing. Working Students with good goals, eager disposition, and desire to learn! Please contact for more info- full time & part time positions open. Give me a call, text, or email!

Required Key Skills
Riding Schooling Trim/Pull Exercising Competing
Required Expertise
Dressage Eventing Hunting Showing Show Jumping

Own room w/wifi & shared kitchen.

Job Benefits

Working student program is short/long term, own horse welcomed, lessons, competing, training, and a good stipend/week! Board for horse, room for rider, daily lessons & Training with chance to compete. Time for school/outside job is provided. Many opportunities to meet good contacts in the horse world. We've got horses for you to ride, compete, learn on! We'll help you reach your goals! Call for more info! Position available now! What do you need? Good working student program- come join us!!

Negative jobseeker feedback
Employer Details
Employer No
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, USA
Eventing Training

Working student position available now for this Fall Season and through the Winter! Come ride, work, train, & compete with an International rider/Level III Instructor and Gold Level YEH Trainer. Bring your horse/ride one of our horses. We have 20 special horses, yearlings to Upper Level rides. We compete with Registered, Starter horse trials, dressage, jumper shows, & foxhunting. So much to learn!

We'll work on your goals/introduce you to all aspects of an upper level yard- stable management, conditioning, grooming, competing, training young horses. We do it and love sharing the life!

I'll set up a flexible program made just for you! We have a good team so please get in touch and let me know how I can be of help. Good short term position available and a long term, six months, position open too! We have an opening available now with many opportunities to explore this sport! Come change your life & improve your riding!

Can't wait to hear from you!

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