- Employer No
- 102315
- Website
- http://www.tinker.pl
- Location
- Dolnośląskie, Poland
You are working at our Stud-farm in SW-Poland and this is situated in Marczów and we breed Irish Cobs (Tinkers). When we started we imported Tinkers from Ireland and from there we started our breeding company. At this moment we have around 55 Tinkers, we have 30 Tinkers between 8 months and 3 years old and they have to be trained to learn and to behave. We have our own certificated stallions Marschal, Picasso, and sergeant major for breeding. We treat all our horses in a friendly way and we like to become the best stud-farm of Tinkers in Europe. At this moment we have 2 instructors to give lessons to our guests and go with them on trips.
You can also look to our other websites www.jaskolka.com and www.tinker,pl
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Jobseeker Feedback
I spent five months at Jaskolka, from January to May. Lovely horses, beautiful landscapes and friendly people! If you want to ride a lot and like to work with young horses, this is the place for you. Outside the tourist season the yard is rather quiet and the work is laid back, and the focus is on training the horses. Towards the season there will be more people to go on hacks or having lessons. Perfect for someone who would prefer country life to busy, fancy competition yards.
- Jobseeker 19/11/2019