Why advertise your business or product on YardandGroom?


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of Jobseekers are Female.


of Jobseekers own a horse.

Data collected from 25-07-2022 to 25-07/2023
  • YardandGroom has a great reputation in the horseworld - many of the world's top international competition riders use YardandGroom.
  • You would reach our many affluent visitors who enjoy purchasing high quality high end equestrian equipment, clothing and services.
  • No lead times. Simply create a business account online, enter the text of your ad, pay online and the ad will appear on the site within minutes.
  • Our Advert Management System gives you full control over your ads. Make changes to your ad at any time and see the number of page impressions and clicks to your ad.

Prices for All Budgets

1 week 2 weeks 1 month 3 months
Text Only Advert: $50 (USD) $90 (USD) $150 (USD) $420 (USD)
Standard Advert: $80 (USD) $144 (USD) $240 (USD) $672 (USD)
Banner Advert: $100 (USD) $180 (USD) $300 (USD) $840 (USD)


Looking for a larger impact? We can provide special sponsorship packages to feature your business on our homepage, emails, and social media. Please contact us to arrange pricing.

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